Monday, November 4, 2013

Twenty Six VS Sixteen. Gen- "Y Grow up?"

I'm twenty six going on sixteen.

if You're wondering why sixteen?
I love watching cartoons, I have an obsession for all things Kitsch,  I call my Parents Mumma Bear & Daddy O, I Can barely cook, I haven't owned my own car until recently, I almost always spend my money for bills on clothing or knick knacks (I like to call myself Hood Rich) and I still think there is no safer, more comforting thing than a monster hug from your parents.

Besides the obvious differences i.e living out of home, a few notches on the old belt of life, world travel and paying bills on time. (most of the time)

At twenty six years of age I don't seem to be in the same position as the rest of my family or people I went to school with..

Married? No.
Kids? No.
House? Nope.
Job? oh um.. no?

Funny Looks for having none of the above? most likely.. but I'm too busy enjoying myself to notice!

I live on a shoe string budget (We're talking tighter than David Bowies Pants in the Labyrinth). One third of my fortnightly income is spent on food and rent, and the rest is usually lost on snacks, art supplies/materials, my dog, Coffee and my vice; Cigarettes.

I bit the bullet when I quit my career, travelled the world and have now found myself a little far from my home in the inner northern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia studying the thing that I am most passionate about, Fashion Design. (no, not your Ladi Da drawing artsy pictures, sipping lattes and gossiping about who wore what to school.  I'm talking about Concept, Design, Pattern, Trial and error, Sewing).
"You've got thread on you" Fashion Design.
Think of Project runway. Needles through fingers (happens more often then you think), or in my case my rear end! Yes it happened, lucky for me I was rushing on adrenaline and simply managed to pull it out?

I don't have a lot of money so almost everything I own is second hand or been the benefits of the fruition of money at tax time, working casually or that special time of the year when my birthday is only two weeks after christmas (Thanks Mum & Dad)!

With this blog, I'd like to share with you my eclectic personal style, lifestyle habits, and the challenges I come across from "growing up".

It's not easy, but remember.

Anything is possible.



  1. Love this post! Very cute :) Would you like to follow each other?


    1. Thanks Teresa! Definitely going to follow, Im all about cheap & chic x x
